Devon CLI

The devonfw-ide is shipped with a central command devon. The setup will automatically register this command so it is available in any shell on your system. This page describes the Command Line Interface (CLI) of this command.


Without any argument the devon command will determine your DEVON_IDE_HOME and setup your environment variables automatically. In case you are not inside of a devonfw-ide folder the command will echo a message and do nothing.

[/]$ devon
You are not inside a devon IDE installation: /
[/]$ cd /projects/my-project/workspaces/test/my-git-repo
[my-git-repo]$ devon
devonfw-ide has environment variables have been set for /projects/my-project in workspace main
[my-git-repo]$ echo $DEVON_IDE_HOME
[my-git-repo]$ echo $JAVA_HOME


The devon command supports a pluggable set of commandlets. Such commandlet is provided as first argument to the devon command and may take additional arguments:

devon «commandlet» [«arg»]*

Technically, a commandlet is a bash script located in $DEVON_IDE_HOME/scripts/command. So if you want to integrate another tool with devonfw-ide we are awaiting your pull-request. Every commandlet takes the following generic arguments:

Table 2. Generic arguments of every commandlet
Argument(s) Meaning

-b or --batch

run in non-interactive mode (do not ask any questions).

-q or --quiet

be quiet and avoid output.


For many commandlets the devon command acts as a wrapper. Similar to mvnw or gradlew you can use it as a proxy command. Therefore devon mvn clean install will be the same as mvn clean install. The benefit when using devon as wrapper is that it will even work when the command (mvn, node, npm, etc.) is not on your PATH variable or even not yet installed. We see the main benefit in this for writing portable scripts that you may commit to your git repository and that will then run everywhere and will lazily install the required tools on the fly. In your daily usage you can and surely should avoid to always type devon as prefix to every command. However, when you automate and want to avoid "command not found" errors, you can simply prefix the command with devon.


The aws commandlet allows to install and use aws cli.

The arguments (devon aws «args») are explained by the following table:

Table 3. Usage of devon aws
Argument(s) Meaning


install aws cli on your machine.

Azure CLI

The Azure CLI commandlet allows to install and use Azure CLI. Call devon az «args» is more or less the same as calling az «args» but with some advanced features and ensuring that Azure CLI is properly set up for your project.

ATTENTION: Currently this feature is new and therefore experimental. It may change in incompatible ways in the next releases until we reach a stable state. We hope that all is working fine for you. However, do not expect everything to work out of the box.

The arguments (devon az «args») are explained by the following table:

Table 4. Usage of devon az
Argument(s) Meaning


setup Azure CLI (install and verify) as per above flow.


call Azure CLI with the specified arguments. Call az help for details or use az directly as preferred." («args»)

Configuration File

The configuration file is located at conf/.azure. Don’t forget to set the environment variables of your IDE with devon before setting new configurations for Azure.


The build commandlet is an abstraction of build systems like maven, gradle, yarn, npm, etc. It will auto-detect your build-system (via existence of files like pom.xml, package.json, etc.). According to this detection, it will simply delegate to the according commandlet of the specific build system. If that build-system is not yet available it will be downloaded and installed automatically.

So devon build allows users to build any project without bothering about the build-system. Further specific build options can be configured per project. This makes devon build a universal part of every definition of done. Before pushing your changes, please always run the following command to verify the build:

devon build

You may also supply additional arguments as devon build «args». This will simply delegate these arguments to the detected build command (e.g. call mvn «args»).


The Docker commandlet allows to install and use Docker. On Windows WSL 2(Windows Subsystem for Linux) has to be installed properly as a prerequisite. In case of using Rancher Desktop the process of enabling WSL and installing a WSL distribution will be handled by Rancher Desktop. This commandlet also offers the installation of Rancher Desktop, which works on Windows, Mac and Linux. To run the tools installed and managed by Rancher Desktop it is necessary to have Rancher Desktop up and running. To assure that you are able to use these tools directly after startup, you can add Rancher Desktop to the startup programs of your Operating System. Such instructions will be given below inside the sections for Windows, Mac and Linux.

ATTENTION: Currently this feature is new and therefore experimental. It may change in incompatible ways in the next releases until we reach a stable state. We hope that all is working fine for you. However, do not expect everything to work out of the box. In case you are facing issues (e.g. network problems with Cisco AnyConnect, etc.) please give us feedback so we can improve.

The arguments (devon docker «args») are explained by the following table:

Table 5. Usage of devon docker
Argument(s) Meaning


setup Docker (install and verify) as per above flow.


call docker with the specified arguments. Call docker help for details or use docker directly as preferred." («args»)


The Docker commandlet will install Docker Desktop or Rancher Desktop automatically. This depends on how the variable DOCKER_EDITION was set. We chose to set Rancher Desktop as standard for our installation, due to it being license free compared to Docker Desktop while offering a similar tool set. Please read the document docker-desktop-alternative motivating why we added Rancher Desktop to the docker commandlet or read the section 'Docker Desktop' if you want to use Docker Desktop instead.

Docker Desktop

Docker Desktop can still be used by setting the variable DOCKER_EDITION equal to "DOCKERDESKTOP". This can be done by your projects ide-admin in the settings file. If you want to switch from Rancher Desktop to Docker Desktop, then add a line with the following content "DOCKER_EDITION=DOCKERDESKTOP" (without the quotes around the allocation) to the file located at the path ${DEVON_IDE_HOME}/conf/

Rancher Desktop

The installation of Rancher Desktop will be handled with the help of a graphical user interface. After starting the installation process from your shell you may see a small progress window for a few seconds before the installer starts.


After that you may need to wait for around half a minute until the installer of Rancher Desktop pops up. Then, when you accepted the Licence Agreement


the installation process starts, which will look like this:


After successfull installation please start Rancher Desktop and go to the menu point "Kubernetes Settings". Under "Container Runtime" choose dockerd(moby) to enable the docker-cli.


If you use Windows, then make sure to go to the Settings named "WSL Integration". There you can choose the WSL Shells you want Rancher Desktop to work on.


Besides that the tools like docker or kubectl should directly work with CMD or Powershell.

Please note that besides the sandbox concept of devonfw-ide this is a global installation on your system. When uninstalling devonfw-ide, you may have to manually uninstall Docker and Kubernetes, or Rancher Desktop if you do not need it anymore. At least uninstalling Rancher Desktop should leave way less remains if you did not install one of the related software Rancher Desktop offers separately.

If you are connected to a VPN you may run into problems while trying to start Rancher Desktop on Windows. E.g. Rancher Desktop will load for a long time as indicated by the progress bar on the lower left side of the Rancher Desktop GUI.


To fix this common issue related to WSL2, we included this wsl-vpnkit to the installation of Rancher Desktop. If you still run into problems, then please disconnect from your VPN, start Rancher Desktop and wait untill the progress bar disappears


or, when using Windows, untill you see a small blue Rancher Desktop icon in your Notification Area (in the following picture it is on the right bottom of the screen next to the taskbar).


After that you can reconnect to your VPN. If you still run into problems, while using Kubernetes, one possible workaround with git-bash in Windows is to use a wsl-distribution. For this you can download and install the wsl distribution Ubuntu (latest LTS version, in the following example 20.04 LTS) and then prefix troublesome commands with wsl -d ubuntu20.04. So to run kubectl get pods you can execute wsl -d ubuntu20.04 kubectl get pods. If you set this distribution as main wsl-distribution via "wsl --set-default ubuntu20.04", then you will only need "wsl " as prefix afterwards. So wsl -d ubuntu20.04 kubectl get pods reduces to "wsl kubectl get pods". If you have to deal with this for multiple commands, simply start a shell inside ubuntu via WSL and keep working there:

wsl -d ubuntu20.04
kubectl get pods

Running Docker and especially Kubernetes on your machine in the background will require quite some resources. This will allocate at least 2GB of additional RAM.

You will need at least 8GB of total RAM while we recommend to use 16GB+.

You may also tune and scale it to your needs. When using Docker Desktop (Windows or MacOS) simply go to the resources tab in the settings. It will depend on your usage frequency if you want to have it running in the background all the time. This is a balance between resource utilization and convenience. If you use Docker and Kubernetes on your local machine on a daily basis this makes sense.

In case you only use Docker rarely, you can save resources by stopping it when not needed after it has been installed.

Windows and macOS

For Windows 10 you can use the following Instructions on how to set startup programs for Windows 10, so that Rancher Desktop starts with your OS.

To enable or disable autostart, you can launch Docker Desktop on Windows or MacOS go to the Preferences (gear icon in the title bar). Then in the General tab you can check or uncheck the option Start Docker Desktop when you login (see also here). When autostart is disabled and you launch Docker Desktop it will notice and ask you to start the service or do this automatically for you. On Windows you can also manually tweak this:

  • Hit [windows][r]

  • Enter services.msc

  • Confirm with OK

  • In the services app search for the Docker Desktop Service in the list and select it.

  • Now you can start or stop the service by clicking on the according link text.

  • Also when right clicking on Docker Desktop Service and selecting Options from the context-menu, you can change the start type to automatic or manual.

Mac A1

Have a look at the Instructions on how to set startup programs for MacOS to make Rancher Desktop run directly after starting up your OS.

In case you have a new Mac with A1 CPU, we automatically download and install the according ARM version of Docker Desktop or Rancher Desktop for macOS. However, if you use Docker and search for images you may end up with errors like:

docker: no matching manifest for linux/arm64/v8 in the manifest list entries.

So with A1 CPU you may need to add --platform linux/x86_64 as option to your Docker command to find the expected container image.


Docker Desktop isn’t available for Linux, but Rancher Desktop can be used as compareable alternative as mentioned before.

To make the usage of Rancher Desktop more comfortable and reliable let your operating system run it after starting up your system. On many Linux distributions you can just go to your menu (usually by clicking the icon at your screens left bottom), type "startup" and start your systems GUI-startup manager, if popping up. At the following website you can find some examples or other options on how to set startup programs for some Linux distributions.


Once installed via setup, you can run Docker from any shell of your OS directly. If you use Rancher Desktop just make sure that Rancher Desktop runs in the background. Run docker help to get started and use the online documentations and resources on the web to get familiar with Docker. It is not our intention to repeat this here.

Please note that the docker commandlet is a command wrapper.


As Docker Desktop has changed its licensing we have been looking for a license-free alternative. This document gives a rationale why we have choosen Rancher Desktop as alternative to setup and manage docker and kubernetes.

Why we chose Rancher Desktop as Docker-Desktop alternative

Our main criteria for tool comparision were:

  • The softwares licence

  • Match of toolset compared to Docker Desktop

  • Complexity of installing and setting up the toolset

  • Stability of the solution

  • Future-proofness (community activitiy, regular updates and fixes)

Rancher Desktop Podman-Minikube Others


- It comes very close to what Docker-Desktop offers, as it installs most of Docker-Desktop’s cli-tools → Almost frictionless shift
- Installs and sets up a good toolset including typical docker compnents as well as kubernetes
- Makes installation and setup very easy
- Cloud tools like Helm or Terraform are usable
- Works on macOS, Windows and Linux
- Comes with a GUI
- Easy shift between Kubernetes versions via GUI
- Works with VPN when using wsl-vpnkit
- Licence free

- Works deamon less, also OCI-Containers (like Docker)
- Root less Containers, giving security improvements over Docker
- Not that hard to install and setup
- Kubernetes usable locally
- Licence free

Interesting components:
- e.g. Lazydocker gives a pretty and compact graphical component
- e.g. MicroK8s as a lightweight, fast version of Kubernetes


-does not have all features Docker Desktop has, like image security scans

- Has most usual Docker-commands, but not all of them
- For ongoing Docker-projects might not be worth it, because of some differences to Docker → Porblems during software migration
- GUI less
- More work when it comes to implementation
- minikube only gives us one cluster
- Does not have all features Docker Desktop has, like image security scans

- In some cases not available for all OS
- Software often just one component of what we need (like Kind for running Clusters using Docker; Buildah for building Containers…​), therefore need to mix tools
- Especially for a manual mix of tools severe implementation/maintenance increase possible
- More error-prone, particularly when using a rather uncommon mix of tools
- Unclear future of some projects
- Some options were bleeding edge


The dotnet commandlet allows to install, configure, and launch the dotnet command to create a devonfw API project. Call devon dotnet «args» is more or less the same as calling dotnet «args» but with some advanced features and ensuring that dotnet is properly set up for your project.

The arguments (devon dotnet «args») are explained by the followidotnet table:

Table 6. Usage of devon dotnet
Argument(s) Meanidotnet


checks if the dotnet SDK is installed on the target machine. If not the user will be redirected to Microsoft’s site to download it


Create a new devon4net API project.


run dotnet with the given arguments («args»)


The eclipse commandlet allows to install, configure, and launch the Eclipse IDE. To launch eclipse for your current workspace and devonfw-ide installation simply run: devon eclipse

You may also supply additional arguments as devon eclipse «args». These are explained by the following table:

Table 7. Usage of devon eclipse
Argument(s) Meaning


if provided as first arg then to command will be invoked for each workspace


setup Eclipse (install or update)

add-plugin «id» [«url»] [«key»]

install an additional plugin. If only «id» is given, it has to be the key of a preconfigured plugin properties file. If also «url» is given it has to be the plugin update site and «id» the plugin ID(s). If an optional third argument is given, it will be the name of the plugin properties file to create in settings (for sharing or simpler uninstall).

remove-plugin «id»

remove the specified plugin. Typically the key of a preconfigured plugin properties file should be given as «id«. However, also the qualified plugin ID can be specified instead.


launch Eclipse (default if no argument is given)


same as run


update workspace


reverse merge changes from workspace into settings


reverse merge adding new properties


create launch script for this IDE, your current workspace and your OS

mirror «id» [«url»]

mirror the content of an update-site

There are variables that can be used for Eclipse. These are explained by the following table:

Table 8. Variables of devonfw-ide for Eclipse
Variable Meaning


The version of the tool Eclipse to install and use.


The edition of the tool Eclipse to install and use. You can choose between Java for standard edition or JEE for enterprise edition.


You can set this to a different (newer) version of Java used to launch your IDE (other than JAVA_VERSION that is used to build your project)


To be productive with Eclipse you need plugins. Of course devonfw-ide can automate this for your: In your settings git repository create a folder eclipse/plugins (click on this link to see more examples and see which plugins come by default). Here you can create a properties file for each plugin. This is an example


The variables are defined as follows:

  • plugin_url defines the URL of the Eclipse update site of the plugin

  • plugin_mirror_url defines the URL of the Eclipse mirrored update site of the plugin. See Mirroring Eclipse Update Site

  • plugin_id defines the feature group ID(s) to install. To install multiple features/plugins provide a coma-separated list of IDs. If you want to customize devonfw-ide with new plugins you can first install them manually and then go to About Eclipse > Installation Details then you can filter for your newly installed plugin and find the values in the Id column. Copy & paste them from here to make up your own custom config.

  • plugin_active is an optional parameter. If it is true (default) the plugin will be installed automatically during the project setup for all developers in your team. Otherwise, developers can still install the plugin manually via devon eclipse add-plugin «plugin-name» from the config file settings/eclipse/plugins/«plugin-name».properties. See the settings/eclipse/plugins folder for possible values of «plugin-name».

In general you should try to stick with the configuration pre-defined by your project. But some plugins may be considered as personal flavor and are typically not predefined by the project config. This e.g. applies for devstyle that allows a real dark mode for eclipse and tunes the theming and layout of Eclipse in general. Such plugins should be shipped with your settings as described above with plugin_active=false allowing you to easily install it manually.

As the maintainer of the settings for your project you should avoid to ship too many plugins that may waste resources but are not used by every developer. By configuring additional plugins with plugin_active=false you can give your developers the freedom to install some additional plugins easily.

legacy plugin config

For downward compatibility we still support the deprecated legacy configuration if the folder settings/eclipse/plugins does not exist: The project configuration typically defines the plugins that will be installed via ECLIPSE_PLUGINS variable. Otherwise defaults from this eclipse commandlet will apply. Be aware that this comes at your own risk and sometimes plugins can conflict and break your IDE.

Here is an example how a project can configure the plugins in its inside the settings:

ECLIPSE_PLUGINS=("" "" "" "")

For the above listed plugins you can also use the short form:

ECLIPSE_PLUGINS=("anyedit" "" "regexutil" "")

Of course you may also mix plugin IDs with fully qualified plugins.

mirroring update sites

A common problem with eclipse plugins is that they are provided decentralized as so-called update sites via URLs. The maintainer of that URL is in full control of the availability and the content behind that URL. If the service gets broken, obviously the plugin can not be downloaded. Even worse, if existing content gets updated, the result is not reproducible anymore.

While the plugin artifact itself is versioned, the request to install a plugin can not specify a version but always downloads the "latest" version from the update site. If at all some kind of versioning for stability is in place it happens via the URL itself so for different major versions different URLs are provided. A possible solution is to mirror the update site locally and then make it available on your own webserver. This way you always have access to the plugin version you need as a developer without being dependent on the plugin provider. Below is the process to mirror a plugin update-site.

To mirror with only one paramter, you just need the «plugin-id» of an existing plugin in ${DEVON_IDE_HOME}/settings/eclipse/plugins (e.g. checkstyle). Open any CLI in ${DEVON_IDE_HOME} and run the following command.

devon eclipse mirror «plugin-id» [«url»]

This command will automatically mirror the content of an update site to a specific directory named by «plugin-id» together with the current date in ${DEVON_DOWNLOAD_DIR}/update-sites/ (e.g. checkstyle-2022-09-14). Afterwards, the folder can be uploaded to your own webserver and the URL can be put manually in «plugin_mirror_url» in the «plugin-id».properties file. This only works if a valid plugin_url is already set in the properties for the given plugin_id (see plugins). If you want to mirror an update site independently of «plugin-id».properties, you can enter an update site URL for the optional «url» parameter (e.g.


Eclipse already comes with a build-in spellchecker. This is very helpful when writing comments. The default settings of devonfw-ide ship with a project specific dictionary file and according configurations to enable spellchecking and configuring this dictionary. When typing JavaDoc, inline comments or other texts the spellchecker will underline unknown words in red. If your cursor is located at such a word you can hit [Ctrl][1] to get a context menu with additional options. There you can either choose similar correct words to correct a typo or you may even add the word (maybe a new business term) to your local dictionary.

"Eclipse spellchecker”

In the latter case, you should commit the changes to your settings so that it will be available to your entire team. For further details about committing changes to the settings please consult the admin usage.

non-english dictionary

In case your project has to write documentation or text in languages other than English, you might want to prefill your project dictionary for that language. Here we collect a list of such dictionaries that you can download and merge into your project dictionary:


The gcloud commandlet allows to install and use gcloud cli.

The arguments (devon gcloud «args») are explained by the following table:

Table 9. Usage of devon gcloud
Argument(s) Meaning


install gcloud cli on your machine.


The gcviewer commandlet is used to install the GCViewer App if not already installed or launch the App if already installed. GCViewer is a little tool that visualizes verbose GC (Garbage Collection) output generated by Java Virtual Machines. To learn more about GC Loggings, please go here.

The arguments (devon gcviewer «args») are explained in the following table:

Table 10. Usage of devon gcviewer
Argument(s) Meaning


install the latest version of GCViewer on your machine.


launch the GCViewer App.

Please note that also devon gcviewer (without further args) will start GCViewer.

GitHub CLI

The GitHub CLI commandlet allows to install and use GitHub CLI.

The arguments (devon gh «args») are explained in the following table:

Table 11. Usage of devon gh
Argument(s) Meaning


install GitHub CLI on your machine.


call GitHub CLI with the specified arguments. Call gh --help for details or use gh directly as preferred.


The graalvm commandlet allows to install and use graalvm. Calling devon graalvm gu «args» is more or less the same as calling gu «args» but with the benefit that the version of graalvm preferred by your project is used (and will be installed if not yet available).

ATTENTION: Currently this feature is new and therefore experimental. It may change in incompatible ways in the next releases until we reach a stable state. We hope that all is working fine for you. However, do not expect everything to work out of the box. In case you are facing issues please give us feedback so we can improve.

The arguments (devon graalvm «args») are explained by the following table:

Table 12. Usage of devon graalvm
Argument(s) Meaning


setup graalvm (install and verify), configurable via GRAALVM_VERSION


run graalvm with the given arguments («args»)

Please note that the graalvm commandlet is a command wrapper.


The gradle commandlet allows to install, configure, and launch gradle. It is similar to gradle-wrapper. So calling devon gradle «args» is more or less the same as calling gradle «args» but with the benefit that the version of gradle preferred by your project is used (and will be installed if not yet available).

The arguments (devon gradle «args») are explained by the following table:

Table 13. Usage of devon gradle
Argument(s) Meaning


setup gradle (install and verify), configurable via GRADLE_VERSION


run gradle with the given arguments («args»)


The helm commandlet allows to install and use Helm.

ATTENTION: Currently this feature is new and therefore experimental. It may change in incompatible ways in the next releases until we reach a stable state. We hope that all is working fine for you. However, do not expect everything to work out of the box. In case you are facing issues (e.g. network problems with Cisco AnyConnect, etc.) please give us feedback so we can improve.

The arguments (devon helm «args») are explained by the following table:

Table 14. Usage of devon helm
Argument(s) Meaning


install helm on your machine.


call helm with the specified arguments. Call helm --help for details or use helm directly as preferred."


The help commandlet provides help for the CLI.

Table 15. Usage of devon help
Argument(s) Meaning

Print general help


Print help for the commandlet «command».

Please note that devon help «command» will do the same as devon «command» help.


The ide commandlet manages your devonfw-ide. You need to supply additional arguments as devon ide «args». These are explained by the following table:

Table 16. Usage of devon ide
Argument(s) Meaning

setup [«SETTINGS_URL»]

setup devonfw-ide (cloning the settings from the given URL, optionally from specific branch URL#branch)

update [«package»]

update devonfw-ide

update scripts [to «version»]

update devonfw-ide

create [«path»] [«SETTINGS_URL»]

create a new devonfw-ide installation in the specified «path» or in the current workind directory if omitted.


uninstall devonfw-ide (if you want remote it entirely from your system)


Run devon ide setup to initially setup your devonfw-ide. It is recommended to run the setup script in the top-level directory ($DEVON_IDE_HOME). However, in case you want to skip some system specific integration, you may also run this command directly instead. The setup only needs to be called once after a new devonfw-ide instance has been created. It will follow this process:

  • install the devon command on your system (if not already installed).

  • clone the settings (you may provide a git URL directly as argument or you will be prompted for it).

  • install all required software from DEVON_IDE_TOOLS variable (if not already installed).

  • configure all these tools

  • create IDE launch scripts

  • perform OS specific system integration such as Windows Explorer integration (only done from setup script and not from devon ide setup)


Run devon ide update to update your devonfw-ide. This will check for updates and install them automatically. The optional extra argument («package») behaves as follows:

  • scripts: check if a new version of devonfw-ide-scripts is available. If so it will be downloaded and installed. As Windows is using file-locks, it is tricky to update a script while it is executed. Therefore, we update the scripts folder as an async background task and have to abort further processing at this point on windows as a workaround.

  • settings: update the settings (git pull).

  • software: update the software (e.g. if versions have changed via scripts or settings update).

  • projects: update the projects (checkout and import repositories into workspace/IDEs).

  • all: do all the above sequentially.

  • none: settings and software are updated by default if no extra argument is given. This is the regular usage for project developers. Only perform an update of scripts when you are requested to do so by your technical lead. Bigger projects especially need to test updates before rolling them out to the entire team. If developers always updated the latest release of the scripts which is released globally, some project functionality would break causing problems and extra efforts in the teams.

In order to update to a specific version of scripts an explicit version can be specified after the additional to argument:

devon ide update scripts to 3.1.99

The above example will update to the exact version 3.1.99 no matter if this is an upgrade or a downgrade of your current installed version. If you just use devon ide update scripts then the latest available version will be installed. In larger teams it is recommended to communicate exact version updates to avoid that a new release can interfere and break anything. Therefore, some pilot user will test a new version for the entire team and, only after a successful test, they will communicate to the team to update to that exact version by providing the complete command as in the above example.


Run devon ide create to create a new devonfw-ide installation at the current directory or at the directory specified.

devon ide create /path/to/install [«SETTINGS_URL»]

We hope you love devonfw-ide. However, if you don’t and want to get rid of it entirely and completely remove all integration, you can use this command:

devon ide uninstall

This will remove devonfw-ide from all central places of your OS (user home directory such as scripts, .devon, .bashrc, as well as windows registry, etc.). However, it will not remove your current installations (or shared software folder). So after running this uninstall, simply remove your DEVON_IDE_HOME directory of all devonfw-ide installations and potential shared software folder. You may also want to clean up your ~/Downloads directory from files downloaded by devonfw-ide. We do not automate this as deleting a directory is a very simple manual step and we do not want to take responsibility for severe data loss if your workspaces contained valuable work.


The intellij commandlet allows to install, configure, and launch IntelliJ. To launch IntelliJ for your current workspace and devonfw-ide installation, simply run: devon intellij

You may also supply additional arguments as devon intellij «args». These are explained by the following table:

Table 17. Usage of devon intellij
Argument(s) Meaning


if provided as first arg then to command will be invoked for each workspace


setup IntelliJ (install or update)

add-plugin «id»

install an additional plugin


launch IntelliJ (default if no argument is given)


same as run


update workspace


reverse merge changes from workspace into settings


reverse merge adding new properties


create launch script for this IDE, your current workspace and your OS

There are variables that can be used for IntelliJ. These are explained by the following table:

Table 18. Variables of devonfw-ide for intelliJ
Variable Meaning


The version of the tool IntelliJ to install and use.


The edition of the tool IntelliJ to install and use. The value C mean Community edition and the value U mean Ultimate edition. The Ultimate edition requires a license. The user has to buy the license separately and it is not part of devonfw-ide. The devonfw-ide only supports download and installation.


You can set this to a different (newer) version of Java used to launch your IDE (other than JAVA_VERSION that is used to build your project)


To be productive with IntelliJ you need plugins. Of course devonfw-ide can automate this for your: In your settings git repository create a folder intellij/plugins (click this link to see more examples and see which plugins come by default). Here you can create a properties file for each plugin. This is an example


The variables are defined as following:

  • plugin_id defines the unique ID of the plugin to install. If you want to customize devonfw-ide with new plugins use the search on to find the plugin of your choice. Select the tab Versions and click on a version in the list. The plugin ID is displayed in the upper right corner. Copy & paste the ID from here to make up your own custom config.

  • plugin_active is an optional parameter. If it is true (default) the plugin will be installed automatically during the project setup for all developers in your team. Otherwise developers can still install the plugin manually via devon intellij add-plugin «plugin_id».

In general you should try to stick with the configuration pre-defined by your project. But some plugins may be considered as personal flavor and are typically not predefined by the project config. Such plugins should be shipped with your settings as described above with plugin_active=false allowing you to easily install it manually. Surely, you can easily add plugins via the UI of IntelliJ. However, be aware that some plugins may collect sensitive data or could introduce other vulnerabilities. So consider the governance of your project and talk to your technical lead before installing additional plugins that are not pre-defined in your settings.

As maintainer of the settings for your project you should avoid to ship too many plugins that may waste resources but are not used by every developer. By configuring additional plugins with plugin_active=false you can give your developers the freedom to install some additional plugins easily.


The ionic commandlet allows to install, configure, and launch ionic (ionic-cli). Calling devon ionic «args» is more or less the same as calling ionic «args» but with some advanced features and ensuring that ionic is properly set up for your project.

The arguments (devon ionic «args») are explained by the following table:

Table 19. Usage of devon ionic
Argument(s) Meaning


setup ionic (install and verify), configurable via IONIC_VERSION


Create a new devon4ng ionic project.


run ionic with the given arguments («args»)


The jasypt commandlet allows to install jasypt and encrypt or decrypt secrets using strong encryption given a secure masterpassword. See also devon4j password encryption guide for further details.

The arguments (devon jasypt «args») are explained by the following table:

Table 20. Usage of devon mvn
Argument(s) Meaning


setup jasypt (install and verify), configurable via JASYPT_VERSION


Encrypt a secret with a masterpassword


Decrypt an encrypted secret with a masterpassword

devon jasypt encrypt
Enter masterpassword: master
Enter secret to encrypt/decrypt: secret


Runtime: AdoptOpenJDK OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM


input: secret
password: master
ivGeneratorClassName: org.jasypt.iv.RandomIvGenerator



devon jasypt decrypt
Enter masterpassword: master
Enter secret to encrypt/decrypt: fQPbaDd8wq0h0qOZw/AEKp2TD4Y07Y//M5PzaLgF3qL7YnBQjiGLtW8s5XkP3Ly9


Runtime: AdoptOpenJDK OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM


input: fQPbaDd8wq0h0qOZw/AEKp2TD4Y07Y//M5PzaLgF3qL7YnBQjiGLtW8s5XkP3Ly9
password: master
ivGeneratorClassName: org.jasypt.iv.RandomIvGenerator




The java commandlet allows to install and setup Java. Also it supports devon4j. The arguments (devon java «args») are explained by the following table:

Table 21. Usage of devon java
Argument(s) Meaning


setup OpenJDK (install or update and verify), configurable via JAVA_VERSION (e.g. 8u242b08 or 11.0.6_10)

create «args»

create a new Java project based on devon4j application template. If a single argument is provided, this is the package name and is automatically split into groupId and artifactId. Use -DdbType=«db» to choose the database (hana, oracle, mssql, postgresql, mariadb, mysql, h2, hsqldb). Any option starting with dash is passed as is."

migrate [from «version»] [single]

migrate a devon4j project to the latest version. If for some reasons the current devonfw version can not be auto-detected you may provide it manually after the 'from' argument. Also the 'single' option allows to migrate only to the next available version."

Since 2021.12.003 an extra version of Java can be configured via EXTRA_JAVA_VERSION variable. This can be used to launch your IDE with a different (newer) version of Java but keeping the build of your project stable.


Examples for create a new devon4j application:

devon java create com.mycustomer.myapplication

Will create an app with package com.mycustomer.myapplication, groupId com.mycustomer, artifactId myapplication, version 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT, and h2 database.

devon java create -Dversion=0.0.1-alpha1 com.mycustomer.myapplication

Will create an app with package com.mycustomer.myapplication, groupId com.mycustomer, artifactId myapplication, version 0.0.1-alpha1, and h2 database.

devon java create com.mycustomer.myapplication

Will create an app with package com.mycustomer.myapplication, groupId, artifactId myapplication, version 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT, and h2 database.

devon java create com.mycustomer.myapplication my-application

Will create an app with package com.mycustomer.myapplication, groupId, artifactId my-application, version 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT, and h2 database.

devon java create com.mycustomer.myapplication -DartifactId=my-app -DdbType=hana

Will create an app with package com.mycustomer.myapplication, groupId com.mycustomer, artifactId my-app, version 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT, and SAP hana database.

devon java create com.mycustomer.myapplication -DdbType=oracle -Dversion=0.0.1 -Dbatch=batch

Will create an app with package com.mycustomer.myapplication, groupId, artifactId myapp, version 0.0.1, oracle database, and with a batch module.


Example for migrating a devon4j application:

devon java migrate

Will migrate current devon4j application to the latest version available.


The jenkins commandlet allows to install, configure, and launch Jenkins.

Table 22. Usage of devon jenkins
Argument(s) Meaning


Setup Jenkins (install and verify)


Start your local Jenkins server


Stop your local Jenkins server


Add current project as CI job to your local Jenkins


The kotlinc commandlet allows to install and setup Kotlin. The arguments (devon kotlinc «args») are explained by the following table:

Argument(s) Meaning


setup Kotlin (install or update and verify), via KOTLIN_VERSION (use devon kotlinc version list to get available versions or devon kotlinc version set [TAB] to set version with auto-completion)


run Kotlin with the given «args»


The kotlinc-native commandlet allows to install and setup Kotlin_Native. The arguments (devon kotlinc-native «args») are explained by the following table:

Argument(s) Meaning


setup Kotlin_Native (install or update and verify), via KOTLIN_NATIVE_VERSION (use devon kotlinc-native version list to get available versions or devon kotlinc-native version set [TAB] to set version with auto-completion)


run Kotlin native with the given «args»


The kubectl commandlet allows to install and use kubernetes. On Windows WSL 2(Windows Subsystem for Linux) has to be installed properly as a prerequisite. The setup on windows will then install kubernetes with K3D. K3D will create a cluster with a single node with a default name as "devonfw-cluster"

ATTENTION: Currently this feature is new and therefore experimental. It may change in incompatible ways in the next releases until we reach a stable state. We hope that all is working fine for you. However, do not expect everything to work out of the box. In case you are facing issues (e.g. network problems with Cisco AnyConnect, etc.) please give us feedback so we can improve.

The arguments (devon kubectl «args») are explained by the following table:

Table 23. Usage of devon kubectl
Argument(s) Meaning


setup Kubernetes (install and verify) as per above flow.


call kubectl with the specified arguments. Call kubectl help for details or use kubectl directly as preferred.


Please note that on Windows and macOS, Kubernetes support comes together with Docker Desktop that is installed via docker commandlet. When you have installed and launched Docker Desktop, you can once enable Kubernetes in the Preferences.

On Linux however, Kubernetes is installed separately by this commandlet.


Once installed via setup, you can run kubectl directly from any shell of your OS directly. Run kubectl help to get started and use the online documentations and resources on the web to get familiar with Kubernetes. It is not our intention to repeat this here.

Please note that the kubectl commandlet is a command wrapper.


The lazydocker commandlet allows to install and use lazydocker.

ATTENTION: Currently this feature is new and therefore experimental. It may change in incompatible ways in the next releases until we reach a stable state. We hope that all is working fine for you. However, do not expect everything to work out of the box.

The arguments (devon lazydocker «args») are explained by the following table:

Table 24. Usage of devon lazydocker
Argument(s) Meaning


install lazydocker on your machine.


call lazydocker by executing the command 'devon lazydocker'. Call lazydocker --help for details or use lazydocker directly as preferred.""


The mvn commandlet allows to install, configure, and launch maven. It is similar to maven-wrapper and mdub. So calling devon mvn «args» is more or less the same as calling mvn «args» but with the benefit that the version of maven preferred by your project is used (and will be installed if not yet available).

The arguments (devon mvn «args») are explained by the following table:

Table 25. Usage of devon mvn
Argument(s) Meaning

run default build, configurable via MVN_BUILD_OPTS


setup Maven (install and verify), configurable via MAVEN_VERSION


Print the version of your current project. Will consolidate the version for multi-module projects ignoring dev[-SNAPSHOT] versions and fail on mixed versions.

set-version «nv» [«cv»]

Set the version of your current project to «nv» (assuming your current version is «cv»).


Check if no «version»-SNAPSHOT dependencies are used.


Check if you are running on a top-level project or fail if in a module or no maven project at all.


Start a clean deploy release build, configurable via MVN_RELEASE_OPTS


run maven with the given arguments («args»)


The ng commandlet allows to install, configure, and launch ng (angular-cli). Calling devon ng «args» is more or less the same as calling ng «args» but with some advanced features and ensuring that ng is properly set up for your project.

The arguments (devon ng «args») are explained by the following table:

Table 26. Usage of devon ng
Argument(s) Meaning


setup angular (install and verify), configurable via NG_VERSION


Create a new devon4ng project.


run ng with the given arguments («args»)


The node commandlet allows to install and setup node.js. The arguments (devon node «args») are explained by the following table:

Table 27. Usage of devon node
Argument(s) Meaning


setup node.js (install and verify), configurable via NODE_VERSION

create «name» [«args»]

create a new devon4node application (same as devon4node new)

generate «s» [«args»]

generate devon4node components using the schematic «s» (same as devon4node generate)

db «c» [«args»]

execute a TypeORM command «c» (same as devon4node db)


call NodeJS with the specified arguments


The npm commandlet allows to install, configure, and launch npm. Calling devon npm «args» is more or less the same as calling npm «args» but with the benefit that the version of npm preferred by your project is used (and will be installed if not yet available).

The arguments (devon npm «args») are explained by the following table:

Table 28. Usage of devon npm
Argument(s) Meaning

run default build, configurable via NPM_BUILD_OPTS


setup NPM (install and verify), configurable via NPM_VERSION


print the version of your current project

set-version «nv» [«cv»]

set the version of your current project to «nv» (assuming your current version is «cv»)


check if you are running on a top-level project or fail if in a module or no NPM project at all


Start a clean deploy release build, configurable via NPM_RELEASE_OPTS


run NPM with the given arguments («args»)

OpenShift CLI

The oc commandlet is used to install OpenShift CLI. The instructions on how to use it can be found here. Call devon oc «args» with the arguments described here.

ATTENTION: Currently this feature is new and therefore experimental. It may change in incompatible ways in the next releases until we reach a stable state. We hope that all is working fine for you. However, do not expect everything to work out of the box.

Table 29. Usage of devon oc
Argument(s) Meaning


install OpenShift CLI on your machine.


call oc with the specified arguments. Call oc --help for details or use oc directly as preferred."


The Python Commandlet allows to install and use the Python CLI and pip.

ATTENTION: Python support for different platforms is not great unfortunately. On Linux and MacOS we have to build Python from the source-code during the installation as portable downloads are only available for windows. However, on some Macs the configure script of Python fails. This is not our fault and we can not fix this unless it gets fixed in Python itself. For details see bug issue #834.

The arguments (devon python «args») are explained by the following table:

Table 30. Usage of python
Argument(s) Meaning


install python on your machine.


access additional help information.


Get version of currently installed Python version.


Call pip.


Call pip3. (Windows only)


call python with the specified arguments."


The Pip Commandlet allows you to install and use pip (python installer of pacakges).


  • devon pip setup to install pip

  • devon pip install «package» to install a pip package where <package> is replaced with the package you want to install

  • devon pip remove to remove pip

  • devon pip remove «package» to remove/uninstall a given pip package

After each installation of a new package, write devon for changes to take place. Not doing so might result in command being not found by devonfw-ide.

Table 31. Usage of pip
Argument(s) Meaning


install pip on your machine.


call pip with the specified arguments (call 'pip --help' for details).

install «package»

install the specified Pip package.

remove «package»

remove the specified Pip package. If no package is specified, pip will be removed.


show the version of pip installed.


The quarkus commandlet allows to install and launch quarkus (quarkus-cli). Calling devon quarkus «args» is more or less the same as calling quarkus «args».

ATTENTION: Currently this feature is new and therefore experimental. It may change in incompatible ways in the next releases until we reach a stable state. We hope that all is working fine for you. However, do not expect everything to work out of the box.

The arguments (devon quarkus «args») are explained in the following table:

Table 32. Usage of devon quarkus
Argument(s) Meaning


install Quarkus CLI on your machine.


call Quarkus CLI with the specified arguments. Call quarkus --help for details or use quarkus directly as preferred.


Create a release in a standardized way including the following steps:

  • verify the current project (no local changes, etc.)

  • warn if «version»-SNAPSHOT dependencies are used

  • determine «version» (if currently «version»-SNAPSHOT) and print out release information.

  • ask user for confirmation

  • bump release to «version» in build configuration (e.g. pom.xml files)

  • commit the change

  • create annotated tag for your release as release/«version»

  • invoke deployment on build-system

  • set next version as («version»+1)-SNAPSHOT in build configuration (e.g. pom.xml files)

  • commit the change

  • push your changes

Table 33. Usage of devon java
Argument(s) Meaning


any optional argument will directly be passed to the actual command to build the deployment


This release commandlet utilizes the build commandlet to support multiple build-tools such as maven, gradle, or npm. Each of those commandlets should respect the variable «TOOL»_RELEASE_OPTS to customize the parameters for the release build.

So e.g. if a pom.xml is detected, maven will be used. In this example the variable MVN_RELEASE_OPTS is used that defaults to clean deploy -Dchangelist= -Pdeploy. If you provide a specific argument this will be passed additionally. So if you invoke the command devon release -P myProfile, the above step invoke deployment on build-system would technically call this:

mvn clean deploy -Dchangelist= -Pdeploy -P myProfile

Please also note that it is very tricky to determine and modify the version of a project in a fully generic way. Even though we try our best to support different scenarios, we can not ensure this is working for edge-cases. Therefore, we strongly encourage to follow best practices such as ci-friendly maven. Further, sticking to the defaults and follow the devonfw standard to name the profile for custom goals in deployment simply deploy is recommended.


The rewrite commandlet allows the use of Openrewrite, a Maven based tool that can be used to refactor code with recipes for multiple languages and tools. Before using this tool, we recommend that you read the Getting-Started page.


The commandlet accepts the name of a recipe such as as the first argument. If this recipe is built-in, the second argument can be ignored. In case the recipe is provided by an external catalog of recipes, the second parameter must be passed. Usually this information is set in the pom.xml of the project in plugin dependencies:


However, you can set up the second parameter in this structure instead: groupId:artifactId:version. In the example the second parameter would be org.openrewrite.recipe:rewrite-spring:LATEST. You can also use the exact version instead of LATEST.

The catalog of recipes can be found here:

The arguments (devon rewrite «args») are explained by the following table:

Usage of devon rewrite

Argument(s) Meaning

«recipe» [«catalog»]

run a «recipe». If it is not a built-in recipe then provide the catalog of this recipe in [«catalog»]"


The sonar commandlet allows to install, configure, and launch SonarQube.

Table 34. Usage of devon sonar
Argument(s) Meaning


Setup SonarQube (install and verify)


Start your local SonarQube server


Stop your local SonarQube server


Analyze current project with SonarQube


The terraform commandlet allows to install and use Terraform.

ATTENTION: Currently this feature is new and therefore experimental. It may change in incompatible ways in the next releases until we reach a stable state. We hope that all is working fine for you. However, do not expect everything to work out of the box. In case you are facing issues (e.g. network problems with Cisco AnyConnect, etc.) please give us feedback so we can improve.

The arguments (devon terraform «args») are explained by the following table:

Table 35. Usage of devon terraform
Argument(s) Meaning


install terraform on your machine.


call terraform with the specified arguments. Call terraform --help for details or use terraform directly as preferred."


The vscode commandlet allows to install, configure, and launch Visual Studio Code. To launch VSCode for your current workspace and devonfw-ide installation, simply run: devon vscode

You may also supply additional arguments as devon vscode «args». These are explained by the following table:

Table 36. Usage of devon vscode
Argument(s) Meaning


if provided as first arg then to command will be invoked for each workspace


setup VSCode (install or update)

add-plugin «id»

install an additional plugin (extension)


launch VSCode (default if no argument is given)


same as run


update workspace


reverse merge changes from workspace into settings


reverse merge adding new properties


create launch script for this IDE, your current workspace and your OS


To be productive with VS Code you need plugins (called extensions in VS Code). Of course devonfw-ide can automate this for your: In your settings git repository create a folder vscode/plugins (click this link to see more examples and see which plugins come by default). Here you can create a properties file for each plugin. This is an example


The variables are defined as following:

  • plugin_id defines the unique ID of the plugin to install. If you want to customize devonfw-ide with new plugins click on Extensions at the bottom of the left navigation icon bar in VS code. Then use the search to find the plugin of your choice. If you click on it the plugin ID is displayed in grey beside the official title at the top of the plugin details page. Copy & paste the ID from here to make up your own custom config.

  • plugin_active is an optional parameter. If it is true (default) the plugin will be installed automatically during the project setup for all developers in your team. Otherwise developers can still install the plugin manually via devon vscode add-plugin «plugin-name» from the config file settings/vscode/plugins/«plugin-name».properties. See the settings/vscode/plugins folder for possible values of «plugin-name».

In general you should try to stick with the configuration pre-defined by your project. But some plugins may be considered as personal flavor and are typically not predefined by the project config. Such plugins should be shipped with your settings as described above with plugin_active=false allowing you to easily install it manually. Surely, you can easily add plugins via the UI of VS code. However, be aware that some plugins may collect sensitive data or could introduce other vulnerabilities. So consider the governance of your project and talk to your technical lead before installing additional plugins that are not pre-defined in your settings.

As maintainer of the settings for your project you should avoid to ship too many plugins that may waste resources but are not used by every developer. By configuring additional plugins with plugin_active=false you can give your developers the freedom to install some additional plugins easily. In addition, these plugins are recommended to the user by recommendation recommendation feature of VS Code. Be aware that the recommendations feature only works for the main workspace.

cleaning plugins on update

If you want to strictly manage the plugins for VS code in your project, you can create or edit the file settings/vscode/plugins in your settings and add this variable:


This will wipe all plugins when an update of VS code is performed (e.g. via devon ide update) and reinstall all configured plugins. While this gives you more control over the governance of the plugins and allows to remove a plugin later during project lifecycle. However, this will delete all manually installed plugins automatically without asking.


The yarn commandlet allows to install, configure, and launch npm. Calling devon yarn «args» is more or less the same as calling yarn «args» but with the benefit that the version of npm preferred by your project is used (and will be installed if not yet available).

The arguments (devon yarn «args») are explained by the following table:

Table 37. Usage of devon yarn
Argument(s) Meaning

run default build, configurable via YARN_BUILD_OPTS


setup yarn (install and verify), configurable via YARN_VERSION


print the version of your current project

set-version «nv» [«cv»]

set the version of your current project to «nv» (assuming your current version is «cv»)


check if you are running on a top-level project or fail if in a module or no NPM project at all


start a clean deploy release build, configurable via YARN_RELEASE_OPTS


run yarn with the given arguments («args»)

Last updated 2023-11-20 10:37:01 UTC