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When you create a new devon4node application, it already has a logger: src/app/shared/logger/winston.logger.ts. This logger provide the methods log, error and warn. All of those methods will write a log message, but with a different log level.

The winston logger has two transports: one to log everything inside the file logs/general.log and the other to log only the error logs inside the file logs/error.log. In addition, it uses the default NestJS logger in order to show the logs in the console.

As you can see it is a simple example about how to use logger in a devon4node application. It will be update to a complex one in the next versions.

How to use logger

In order to use the logger you only need to inject the logger as a dependency:

constructor(logger: WinstonLogger){}

and then use it

async getAll() {
  this.logger.log('Returning all data');