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Create the employee sample step by step
Application requisites
The employee application needs:
A configuration module
A SQLite in memory database
Security: CORS
Swagger support
Authentication using JWT
CRUD for manage employees. The employees will have the following properties:
Create the application
Install Nest CLI
Execute the command
yarn global add @nestjs/cli
Install devon4node schematics
Execute the command
yarn global add @devon4node/schematics
Create the new application
Execute the command
nest g -c @devon4node/schematics application employee
Then, we need to add some components, go inside the project folder and execute the following commands:
Go inside project folder:
cd employee
.Config module:
nest g -c @devon4node/schematics config-module
.TypeORM database, choose sqlite DB when asked
nest g -c @devon4node/schematics typeorm
.Add security:
nest g -c @devon4node/schematics security
.Swagger module:
nest g -c @devon4node/schematics swagger
.Auth-jwt authentication:
nest g -c @devon4node/schematics auth-jwt
.Add an application module:
nest g -c @devon4node/schematics module employee
.Add CRUD component:
nest g -c @devon4node/schematics crud employee/employee
.With this, you will generate the following files:
/employee/.prettierrc /employee/nest-cli.json /employee/package.json /employee/ /employee/ /employee/tsconfig.json /employee/tslint.json /employee/src/main.ts /employee/test/app.e2e-spec.ts /employee/test/jest-e2e.json /employee/src/app/app.controller.spec.ts /employee/src/app/app.controller.ts /employee/src/app/app.module.ts /employee/src/app/app.service.ts /employee/src/app/core/core.module.ts /employee/src/app/shared/logger/winston.logger.ts /employee/src/app/core/configuration/configuration.module.ts /employee/src/app/core/configuration/model/index.ts /employee/src/app/core/configuration/model/types.ts /employee/src/app/core/configuration/services/configuration.service.spec.ts /employee/src/app/core/configuration/services/configuration.service.ts /employee/src/app/core/configuration/services/index.ts /employee/src/config/default.ts /employee/src/config/develop.ts /employee/src/config/production.ts /employee/src/config/test.ts /employee/src/config/uat.ts /employee/docker-compose.yml /employee/ormconfig.json /employee/src/app/shared/model/entities/base-entity.entity.ts /employee/src/app/core/auth/auth.module.ts /employee/src/app/core/auth/controllers/auth.controller.spec.ts /employee/src/app/core/auth/controllers/auth.controller.ts /employee/src/app/core/auth/controllers/index.ts /employee/src/app/core/auth/decorators/index.ts /employee/src/app/core/auth/decorators/roles.decorator.spec.ts /employee/src/app/core/auth/decorators/roles.decorator.ts /employee/src/app/core/auth/guards/index.ts /employee/src/app/core/auth/guards/roles.guard.spec.ts /employee/src/app/core/auth/guards/roles.guard.ts /employee/src/app/core/auth/model/index.ts /employee/src/app/core/auth/model/roles.enum.ts /employee/src/app/core/auth/model/user-request.interface.ts /employee/src/app/core/auth/services/auth.service.spec.ts /employee/src/app/core/auth/services/auth.service.ts /employee/src/app/core/auth/services/index.ts /employee/src/app/core/auth/strategies/index.ts /employee/src/app/core/auth/strategies/jwt.strategy.spec.ts /employee/src/app/core/auth/strategies/jwt.strategy.ts /employee/src/app/core/user/user.module.ts /employee/src/app/core/user/model/index.ts /employee/src/app/core/user/model/dto/user-payload.dto.ts /employee/src/app/core/user/model/entities/user.entity.ts /employee/src/app/core/user/services/index.ts /employee/src/app/core/user/services/user.service.spec.ts /employee/src/app/core/user/services/user.service.ts /employee/test/auth/auth.service.mock.ts /employee/test/user/user.repository.mock.ts /employee/src/app/employee/employee.module.ts /employee/src/app/employee/model/entities/employee.entity.ts /employee/src/app/employee/model/index.ts /employee/src/app/employee/controllers/employee.crud.controller.ts /employee/src/app/employee/services/employee.crud.service.ts /employee/src/app/employee/services/index.ts /employee/src/app/employee/controllers/index.ts
Open the VSCode
Execute the commands:
yarn install code .
Fill in the entity: src/app/employee/model/entities/employee.entity.ts
Add the columns
@Entity() export class Employee extends BaseEntity { @Column('varchar', { length: 255, nullable: true }) name?: string; @Column('varchar', { length: 255, nullable: true }) surname?: string; @Column('varchar', { length: 255, nullable: true }) email?: string; }
Add the validations
@Entity() export class Employee extends BaseEntity { @IsDefined({ groups: [CrudValidationGroups.CREATE] }) @IsOptional({ groups: [CrudValidationGroups.UPDATE] }) @MaxLength(255) @Column('varchar', { length: 255, nullable: true }) name?: string; @IsDefined({ groups: [CrudValidationGroups.CREATE] }) @IsOptional({ groups: [CrudValidationGroups.UPDATE] }) @MaxLength(255) @Column('varchar', { length: 255, nullable: true }) surname?: string; @IsDefined({ groups: [CrudValidationGroups.CREATE] }) @IsOptional({ groups: [CrudValidationGroups.UPDATE] }) @MaxLength(255) @IsEmail() @Column('varchar', { length: 255, nullable: true }) email?: string; }
Add the transformations
In this specific case, we will not transform any property, but you can see an example in the
file.export abstract class BaseEntity { @PrimaryGeneratedColumn('increment') id!: number; @VersionColumn({ default: 1 }) @Exclude({ toPlainOnly: true }) version!: number; @CreateDateColumn() @Exclude({ toPlainOnly: true }) createdAt!: string; @UpdateDateColumn() @Exclude({ toPlainOnly: true }) updatedAt!: string; }
Add swagger metadata
@Entity() export class Employee extends BaseEntity { @ApiPropertyOptional() @IsDefined({ groups: [CrudValidationGroups.CREATE] }) @IsOptional({ groups: [CrudValidationGroups.UPDATE] }) @MaxLength(255) @Column('varchar', { length: 255, nullable: true }) name?: string; @ApiPropertyOptional() @IsDefined({ groups: [CrudValidationGroups.CREATE] }) @IsOptional({ groups: [CrudValidationGroups.UPDATE] }) @MaxLength(255) @Column('varchar', { length: 255, nullable: true }) surname?: string; @ApiPropertyOptional() @IsDefined({ groups: [CrudValidationGroups.CREATE] }) @IsOptional({ groups: [CrudValidationGroups.UPDATE] }) @MaxLength(255) @IsEmail() @Column('varchar', { length: 255, nullable: true }) email?: string; }
Add swagger metadata to
Generate database migrations
Build the application:
yarn build
In order to create migration scripts with TypeORM, you need to install ts-node:
yarn global add ts-node
Generate the tables creation migration:
yarn run typeorm migration:generate -n CreateTables
The output will be something similar to:
export class CreateTables1572480273012 implements MigrationInterface { name = 'CreateTables1572480273012'; public async up(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<any> { await queryRunner.query( `CREATE TABLE "user" ("id" integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "version" integer NOT NULL DEFAULT (1), "createdAt" datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT (datetime('now')), "updatedAt" datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT (datetime('now')), "username" varchar(255) NOT NULL, "password" varchar(255) NOT NULL, "role" integer NOT NULL DEFAULT (0))`, undefined, ); await queryRunner.query( `CREATE TABLE "employee" ("id" integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "version" integer NOT NULL DEFAULT (1), "createdAt" datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT (datetime('now')), "updatedAt" datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT (datetime('now')), "name" varchar(255), "surname" varchar(255), "email" varchar(255))`, undefined, ); } public async down(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<any> { await queryRunner.query(`DROP TABLE "employee"`, undefined); await queryRunner.query(`DROP TABLE "user"`, undefined); } }
The number in the name is a timestamp, so may change in your application.
Create a migration to insert data:`yarn run typeorm migration:generate -n InsertData`
and fill in with the following code:
export class InsertData1572480830290 implements MigrationInterface { public async up(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<any> { await queryRunner.query( `INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE(id, name, surname, email) VALUES(1, 'Santiago', 'Fowler', '');`, ); await queryRunner.query( `INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE(id, name, surname, email) VALUES(2, 'Clinton', 'Thornton', '');`, ); await queryRunner.query( `INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE(id, name, surname, email) VALUES(3, 'Lisa', 'Rodriquez', '');`, ); await queryRunner.query( `INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE(id, name, surname, email) VALUES(4, 'Calvin', 'Becker', '');`, ); await queryRunner.query(`INSERT INTO USER(id, username, password, role) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?);`, [ 1, 'user', await hash('password', await genSalt(12)), roles.USER, ]); await queryRunner.query(`INSERT INTO USER(id, username, password, role) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?);`, [ 2, 'admin', await hash('admin', await genSalt(12)), roles.ADMIN, ]); } public async down(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<any> { await queryRunner.query(`DELETE FROM EMPLOYEE`); await queryRunner.query(`DELETE FROM USER`); } }
Start the application:
yarn start:dev
Check the swagger endpoint:
Make petitions to the employee CRUD:
Write the tests
As we do not create any method, only add some properties to the entity, all application must be tested by the autogenerated code. As we add some modules, you need to uncomment some lines in the
:describe('ConfigurationService', () => { const configService: ConfigurationService = new ConfigurationService(); it('should return the values of test config file', () => { expect(configService.isDev).toStrictEqual(def.isDev); expect(; expect(configService.port).toStrictEqual(def.port); expect(configService.clientUrl).toStrictEqual(def.clientUrl); expect(configService.globalPrefix).toStrictEqual(def.globalPrefix); // Remove comments if you add those modules expect(configService.database).toStrictEqual(def.database); expect(configService.swaggerConfig).toStrictEqual(def.swaggerConfig); expect(configService.jwtConfig).toStrictEqual(def.jwtConfig); // expect(configService.mailerConfig).toStrictEqual(def.mailerConfig); }); it('should take the value of environment varible if defined', () => { process.env.isDev = 'true'; = 'notlocalhost'; process.env.port = '123456'; process.env.clientUrl = ''; process.env.globalPrefix = 'v2'; process.env.swaggerConfig = JSON.stringify({ swaggerTitle: 'Test Application', }); process.env.database = JSON.stringify({ type: 'oracle', cli: { entitiesDir: 'src/notentitiesdir' }, }); process.env.jwtConfig = JSON.stringify({ secret: 'NOTSECRET' }); // process.env.mailerConfig = JSON.stringify({ mailOptions: { host: 'notlocalhost' }}); expect(configService.isDev).toBe(true); expect('notlocalhost'); expect(configService.port).toBe(123456); expect(configService.clientUrl).toBe(''); expect(configService.globalPrefix).toBe('v2'); const database: any = { ...def.database, type: 'oracle' }; database.cli.entitiesDir = 'src/notentitiesdir'; expect(configService.database).toStrictEqual(database); expect(configService.swaggerConfig).toStrictEqual({ ...def.swaggerConfig, swaggerTitle: 'Test Application', }); expect(configService.jwtConfig).toStrictEqual({ ...def.jwtConfig, secret: 'NOTSECRET', }); // const mail: any = { ...def.mailerConfig }; // = 'notlocalhost'; // expect(configService.mailerConfig).toStrictEqual(mail); process.env.isDev = undefined; = undefined; process.env.port = undefined; process.env.clientUrl = undefined; process.env.globalPrefix = undefined; process.env.database = undefined; process.env.swaggerConfig = undefined; process.env.jwtConfig = undefined; // process.env.mailerConfig = undefined; }); });
And the output should be: