
We are proud to announce the immediate release of devonfw version 3.1 (code named “Goku” during development). This version is the first one that implements our new documentation workflow, that will allow users to get the updated documentation at any moment and not to wait for the next devonfw release.

This is now possible as we have established a new workflow and rules during development of our assets. The idea behind this is that all the repositories contain a documentation folder and, in any pull request, the developer must include the related documentation change. A new Travis CI configuration added to all these repositories will automatically take the changes and publish them in the wiki section of every repository and in the new devonfw-guide repository that consolidates all the changes from all the repositories. Another pipeline will take changes from this consolidated repository and generate dynamically the devonfw guide in PDF and in the next weeks in HTML for the new planned devonfw website. The following schema explains this process:

documentation workflow

This release includes the very first version of the new CobiGen CLI. Now using commands, you will be able to generate code the same way as you do with Eclipse. This means that you can use CobiGen on other IDEs like Visual Studio Code or IntelliJ. Please take a look at for more info.

The devonfw-shop-floor project has got a lot of updates in order to make even easier the creation of devonfw projects with CICD pipelines that run on the Production Line, deploy on Red Hat OpenShift Clusters and in general Docker environments. See the details below.

This release includes the very first version of our devonfw-ide tool that will allow users to automate devonfw setup and update the development environment. This tool will become the default devonfw setup tool in future releases. For more information please visit the repository

Following the same collaboration model we used in order to improve the integration of devonfw with Red Hat OpenShift and which allowed us to get the Red Hat Open Shift Primed certification, we have been working alongside with SAP HANA developers in order to support this database in the devon4j. This model was based on the contribution and review of pull requests in our reference application My Thai Star. In this case, SAP developers collaborated with us in the following two new use cases:

  • Prediction of future demand

  • Geospatial analysis and clustering of customers

Last but not least the devonfw extension pack for VS Code has been improved with the latest extensions and helpers for this IDE. Among many others you can now use:

Also it is worth the try of the updated support for Java and Spring Boot development in VS Code. Check it out for yourself!

More information at Also, you can contribute to this extension in this GitHub repository

Last updated 2023-11-20 10:37:01 UTC