Changes and new features

Devonfw dist

  • Eclipse 2018.9 integrated

    • CheckStyle Plugin updated.

    • SonarLint Plugin updated.

    • Git Plugin updated.

    • FindBugs Plugin updated.

    • CobiGen plugin updated.

  • Other Software

    • Visual Studio Code latest version included and pre-configured with the devonfw Platform Extension Pack.

    • Ant updated to latest.

    • Maven updated to latest.

    • Java updated to latest.

    • Nodejs LTS updated to latest.

    • @angular/cli included.

    • Yarn package manager updated.

    • Python3 updated.

    • Spyder3 IDE integrated in python3 installation updated.

    • devon4ng-application-template for Angular 7 at workspaces/examples

    • devon4ng-ionic-application-template for Ionic 3.20 at workspace/samples

My Thai Star Sample Application

The new release of My Thai Star has focused on the following improvements:

  • Release 1.12.2.

  • devon4j:

    • devon4j 3.0.0 integrated.

    • Spring Boot 2.0.4 integrated.

    • Spring Data integration.

    • New pagination and search system.

    • Bug fixes.

  • devon4ng:

    • Client devon4ng updated to Angular 7.

    • Angular Material and Covalent UI frameworks updated.

    • Electron framework integrated.

  • devon4node

    • TypeScript 3.1.3.

    • Based on Nest framework.

    • Aligned with devon4j.

    • Complete backend implementation.

    • TypeORM integrated with SQLite database configuration.

    • Webpack bundler.

    • Nodemon runner.

    • Jest unit tests.

  • Mr.Checker

    • Example cases for end-to-end test.

    • Production line configuration.

    • CICD

    • Improved integration with Production Line

    • New deployment from artifact

    • New CICD pipelines

    • New deployment pipelines

    • Automated creation of pipelines in Jenkins

Documentation updates

The following contents in the devonfw guide have been updated:

  • Upgrade of all the new devonfw named assets.

    • devon4j

    • devon4ng

    • Mr.Checker

  • Electron integration cookbook.

  • Updated cookbook about Swagger.

  • Removed deprecated entries.

Apart from this the documentation has been reviewed and some typos and errors have been fixed.

The current development of the guide has been moved to in order to be available as the rest of OSS assets.


The following changes have been incorporated in devon4j:

  • Spring Boot 2.0.4 Integrated.

  • Spring Data layer Integrated.

  • Decouple mmm.util.*

  • Removed depreciated restaurant sample.

  • Updated Pagination support for Spring Data

  • Add support for hana as dbType.

  • Bugfixes.


The following changes have been incorporated in devon4ng:


Some of the highlights of devon4net 1.0 are:

  • External configuration file for each environment.

  • .NET Core 2.1.X working solution (Latest 2.1.402).

  • Packages and solution templates published on

  • Full components customization by config file.

  • Docker ready (My Thai Star sample fully working on docker).

  • Port specification by configuration.

  • Dependency injection by Microsoft .NET Core.

  • Automapper support.

  • Entity framework ORM (Unit of work, async methods).

  • .NET Standard library 2.0 ready.

  • Multi-platform support: Windows, Linux, Mac.

  • Samples: My Thai Star back-end, Google API integration, Azure login, AOP with Castle.

  • Documentation site.

  • SPA page support.

And included the following features:

  • Logging:

    • Text File.

    • Sqlite database support.

    • Serilog Seq Server support.

    • Graylog integration ready through TCP/UDP/HTTP protocols.

    • API Call params interception (simple and compose objects).

    • API error exception management.

  • Swagger:

    • Swagger auto generating client from comments and annotations on controller classes.

    • Full swagger client customization (Version, Title, Description, Terms, License, Json endpoint definition).

  • JWT:

    • Issuer, audience, token expiration customization by external file configuration.

    • Token generation via certificate.

    • MVC inherited classes to access JWT user properties.

    • API method security access based on JWT Claims.

  • CORS:

    • Simple CORS definition ready.

    • Multiple CORS domain origin definition with specific headers and verbs.

  • Headers:

    • Automatic header injection with middleware.

    • Supported header definitions: AccessControlExposeHeader, StrictTransportSecurityHeader, XFrameOptionsHeader, XssProtectionHeader, XContentTypeOptionsHeader, ContentSecurityPolicyHeader, PermittedCrossDomainPoliciesHeader, ReferrerPolicyHeader.

  • Reporting server:

    • Partial implementation of reporting server based on My-FyiReporting (now runs on linux container).

  • Testing:

    • Integration test template with sqlite support.

    • Unit test template.

    • Moq, xunit frameworks integrated.


Some of the highlights of the new devonfw Xamarin framework are:

  • Based on Excalibur framework by Hans Harts (

  • Updated to latest MVVMCross 6 version.

  • My Thai Star Excalibur forms sample.

  • Xamarin Forms template available on

AppSec Quick Solution Guide

This release incorporates a new Solution Guide for Application Security based on the state of the art in OWASP based application security. The purpose of this guide is to offer quick solutions for common application security issues for all applications based on devonfw. It’s often the case that we need our systems to comply to certain sets of security requirements and standards. Each of these requirements needs to be understood, addressed and converted to code or project activity. We want this guide to prevent the wheel from being reinvented over and over again and to give clear hints and solutions to common security problems.


  • CobiGen core new features:

    • CobiGen_Templates will not need to be imported into the workspace anymore. However, If you want to adapt them, you can still click on a button that automatically imports them for you.

    • CobiGen_Templates can be updated by one-click whenever the user wants to have the latest version.

    • Added the possibility to reference external increments on configuration level. This is used for reducing the number of duplicated templates.

  • CobiGen_Templates project and docs updated:

    • Spring standard has been followed better than ever.

    • Interface templates get automatically relocated to the api project. Needed for following the new devon4j standard.

  • CobiGen Angular:

    • Angular 7 generation improved based on the updated application template.

    • Pagination changed to fit Spring standard.

  • CobiGen Ionic: Pagination changed to fit Spring standard.

  • CobiGen OpenAPI plugin released with multiple bug-fixes and other functionalities like:

    • Response and parameter types are parsed properly when they are a reference to an entity.

    • Parameters defined on the body of a request are being read correctly.


A new version of Devcon has been released. Fixes and new features include:

  • Updated to match current devon4j

  • Update to download Linux distribution.

  • Custom modules creation improvements.

  • Code Migration feature added

  • Bugfixes.

Devonfw OSS Modules

Modules upgraded to be used in new devon4j projects:

  • Reporting module

  • WinAuth AD Module

  • WinAuth SSO Module

  • I18n Module

  • Async Module

  • Integration Module

  • Microservice Module

  • Compose for Redis Module

Devonfw Testing


The Mr.Checker Test Framework is an automated testing framework for functional testing of web applications, API web services, Service Virtualization, Security and in coming future native mobile apps, and databases. All modules have tangible examples of how to build resilient integration test cases based on delivered functions. Mr.Checker updates and improvements:


We have added Test*, Testar, as an incubator to the available test tools within devonfw. This ground-breaking tool is being developed by the Technical University of Valencia (UPV). In 2019 Capgemini will co-develop Testar with the UPV.

Testar is a tool that enables the automated system testing of desktop, web and mobile applications at the GUI level.

With Testar, you can start testing immediately. It automatically generates and executes test sequences based on a structure that is automatically derived from the UI through the accessibility API. Testar can detect the violation of general-purpose system requirements and you can use plugins to customize your tests.

You do not need test scripts and maintenance of it. The tests are random and are generated and executed automatically.

If you need to do directed tests you can create scripts to test specific requirements of your application.

Testar is included in the devonfw distro or can be downloaded from

The Github repository can be found at o:

Last updated 2023-11-20 10:37:01 UTC