devonfw IDE
The consolidated list of features for this devonfw IDE release is as it follows.
Update with the following bugfixes and improvements:
#537: Update eclipse to 2021-03
#287: Command autocompletion
#536: Improve handling of aborted downloads
#542: Support placeholders in settings.xml template
#557: minimize setup by reducing DEVON_IDE_TOOLS
#550: update maven to 3.8.1
#545: update devon4j to 2021.04.002 and add migration
#575: jasypt support for password encryption and decryption
#546: Problems with tm-terminal Eclipse plugin
#553: VSCode user-data-dir shall be part of workspace config
#513: Configurable generation of IDE start scripts
The full list of changes for this release can be found in milestone 2021.04.001.