devonfw IDE
The consolidated list of features for this devonfw IDE release is as it follows.
Update with the following bugfixes and improvements:
#495: Documentation corrections
#491: Consider lombok support
#489: Update node to v12.19.0 and VS Code to 1.50.1
#470: reverse merge of workspace settings not sorting properties anymore
#483: Error during installation when npm is already installed
#415: documentation to customize settings
#479: Error for vscode plugin installation
#471: Preconfigure Project Explorer with Hierarchical Project Presentation
The full list of changes for this release can be found in milestone 2020.12.001.
Update with the following bugfixes and improvements:
#454: update to eclipse 2020.06
#442: update nodejs and vscode
#432: vsCode settings are not updated
#446: intellij: doConfigureEclipse: command not found
#440: Software update may lead to inconsistent state due to windows file locks
#427: release: keep leading zeros
#450: update settings
#431: devon build command not working correct for yarn or npm
#449: update to devon4j 2020.08.001
The full list of changes for this release can be found in milestone 2020.08.001.
Minor update with the following bugfixes and improvements:
The full list of changes for this release can be found in milestone 2020.04.004.
Minor update with the following bugfixes and improvements:
The full list of changes for this release can be found in milestone 2020.04.003.
Minor update with the following bugfixes and improvements:
The full list of changes for this release can be found in milestone 2020.04.002.