
The consolidated list of features for devon4net is as follows:

  • LiteDb: - Support for LiteDB - Provided basic repository for CRUD operations.

  • RabbitMq: - Use of EasyQNet library to perform CQRS main functions between different microservices - Send commands / Subscribe queues with one C# sentence - Events management: Handled received commands to subscribed messages - Automatic messaging backup when sent and handled (Internal database via LiteDB and database backup via Entity Framework)

  • MediatR: - Use of MediatR library to perform CQRS main functions in memory - Send commands / Subscribe queues with one C# sentence - Events management: Handled received commands to subscribed messages - Automatic messaging backup when sent and handled (Internal database via LiteDB and database backup via Entity Framework)

  • SmaxHcm: - Component to manage Microfocus SMAX for cloud infrastructure services management

  • CyberArk: - Manage safe credentials with CyberArk

  • AnsibleTower: - Ansible automates the cloud infrastructure. devon4net integrates with Ansible Tower via API consumption endpoints

  • gRPC+Protobuf: - Added Client + Server basic templates sample gRPC with Google’s Protobuf protocol using devon4net

  • Kafka: - Added Apache Kafka support for deliver/consume messages and create/delete topics as well

  • AWS support

    • AWS Template to create serverless applications with auto generation of an APIGateway using AWS base template

    • AWS template to create pure Lambda functions and manage SQS Events, SNS Events, Generic Events, CloudWatch, S3 Management, AWS Secrets management as a configuration provider in .NET life cycle

    • AWS CDK integration component to create/manage AWS infrastructures (Infra As Code): Database, Database cluster, VPC, Secrets, S3 buckets, Roles…

  • Minor performance and stability improvements such Entity framework migration integration

  • Updated to the latest .net Core 3.1 TLS

Last updated 2023-11-20 10:37:01 UTC